Tarot AF | Tarot Reader

My pledge to you

Ask it.

I will help you tap into that voice inside you. Whether you call it Spirit, Angel, Divine Light, Universe, it’s here to protect you, and the call to request a tarot is its not-so-subtle hint that there's something to say.

I will help you ask the cards for their advice. I won’t connect you to the Spirit world of your ancestors (or other deceased legends). I am not a medium, but there are some amazing people from my community who are.

I will be respectful of you and your life choices. People come to Tarot for a range of reasons; family, relationships, work, personal development, and many more. I will treat our session with the utmost confidentiality, so you can be as open and honest as you need to be.

Read it.

I will help you at the crossroads. I can help you look at the different directions Spirit is causing you to consider, and find identifiable steps towards your goals.

I will guide you closer to your voice. I can support you as you learn that ultimately, it’s you that holds the power and are the channel for it’s earthly manifestation.

I will read the energy, not other people’s minds. I’m not quite Derren Brown, and I can’t read minds...yet.

Live it.

I won’t predict your future. Your reading is based on the current energies at play, and you have the power to alter circumstances by changing your behaviour in the present, as you live it.

I won’t tell you what to do. The true beauty of life is empowered action, and it is an honour for me to watch you take your own steps.

Together, we will have fun! This reading is a chance for you to remember that the universe has your back, and so do I, so together let's cheerlead you towards your goals and ambitions, whatever they may be.